Sunday, October 14, 2007

hari raya == (food x 24 x 7) !

all wasted. fast for a month, and all gone in one day!! haha.
hari raya is about forgiving, MONEY ($KAHCHING$) and foooooooddddddd.
sooooooo this was me....

at aunt's place, savouring her low-fat lontong, with big fat sambal prawns. delicious youuuuu till i forgot to snap a pic hehe. see how radiant i was!! it showed good food + good company = happiness forever ever and everest!

i was the server, i was the dishwasher on the first day of Syawal. very tired butttt im okayyyy with that. thats the time to show how doubly FILIAL i am! wahahahhahaha! that is, besides my NORMAL day MAID hours!