Wednesday, February 20, 2008


nothing much to update except for my ad hoc lunch date with " Love Is In The Air " :)
it is back to square one. u go to work, go home, bathe, eat and if lucky online for a while like now, then sleep anddd the cycle continues. how about doing this for the next 20 years? so far, work load has been good. no complains and i don't want to use the word "yet" cos hopefully, it will go just fine, everyday.

over the weekend, i spent 6 hours in Causeway point ! its like since i started work, i really miss wasting my time there hehe. they having great sales be it pillows, sheets and Metro. i would have wasted my money if my payday falls around this time. sometimes, we buy stuff, chuck them one side and totally forget about them until the next annual/Hari Raya spring clean.

i cant hold my eyes open now. im tired. beddy is calling. out.