Monday, November 12, 2007

gimme a week.

over the weekend, it was METRO 20% sales. buzz busy bees and it was packed like crazy anddd u know Singapore, when there are any crazy sales

1) Queues @ cashier counters will be as long as those queues for FREE Today newspapers!

2) Items and NON_ITEMS will be laying around on the floor and NON_FLOOR.

Thats why its only a 3-days affair. imagine how it would be if it were to be a month or more. the staff would have left i think :)

yesterday was the last day of Hari Raya and we managed to visit my aunt-uncle back in Kluang anddddd this is wat i like visiting them. my aunt will cook nice nice food like yesterday's, her Soto Ayam was marvelous + her "sambal cili api" + her fat bouncy chicken huhu. i had 2 large servings and we the family finished the whole pot of soup huhu (sounded like vultures rite).

anddd we went hunting for cousin's wedding stuff for the guests. omg. i didnt know, that we have to buy stuff, alott of stuff for different pple u know. andd i just loveee looking at the many beautiful colors they have, its just so like "Aku pon nak kahwin lah" hehe. anddd i saw this son-mummy-only shopping for similar stuff and my instincts told me tat this guy is gonna get married soonnnnnn cos err well can see from the face and him busy sms-ing on his Blackberry. another family, they were busy asking the pregnant ladyboss for these large packets of errr, at first i was seriously trying to figure out what the hell are they. and they wanted like 300 of these colorful thing which came in pink, blue and yellow. soooo, i stood beside them staring at that stuff they were so kecoh about, still trying to figure out what it was (i was not wearing my specs actually). anddddd, one of them who happened to realise my existence staring at those stuff apparently talked to me. huhu. ahhh, there were actually TOWELS for the orang2 rewang. if you know or have seen people who spends the whole night and day cooking for the wedding reception, they have towels STUFFED at the back pocket jeans(for guys mostly) for an indication that "hey, im one of them who works non-stop for your wedding okay!" hehee. anddd my mind went away for a minute or two, imagining how kecoh and kecoh it is to be in a "kampung" wedding preparation. with all smells of the cows, chickens and goats waiting for their lives to end and ending up in those cooking pots. huhu. i have had a fair share of experience of being in the middle of "kampung" wedding receptions when i was below 10. playing and running around with relatives back then, having crush on them huhu. geez, those are memories. its just that, as i grow older, most i played with before, got married and we lost contact cos my family dont always go back to my parents' hometown. if there is also, im just contented to see those familiar faces i have talked and seen years back. so, if given a week for me to stay in a kampung life, i wouldnt mind :)