Tuesday, August 07, 2007

sheet sheet!

O shyte! first prac will be this friday!
wat have i got myself into ?


[ e z z y ] said...

remember gee, PATIENCE when handling the car. have a clear mind, relax. please do not overestimate your car and floor the accelerator, thinking it's a Nissan Skyline and you're on Daytona or something, when it's only a Honda sedan :p
(even if you wanna floor it down, remember to let go of the clutch haha)
oops i forgot, 1st practical lesson is learning how to start the car and know the car parts kwangkwangkwanggg :p

ok don't kill me..
you'll do great, based on 'experience' haha.
we're all waiting for some vroomvroom action nyeehehe.
have fun!

jee_@hmad said...

OMG! tat is so boring! one of the new Honday City cars i hope! and thank u for the "cheat-my-feelings" moment ek, which lasted for 2 secs! :)