Saturday, February 10, 2007

i have missed it so much tat i m lost now. Valentines.

Good Morningggggggggggg Vietnammmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

HAHA. ok. crap. i bet u remember tat from the movie. 10th feb. i have decided to move my MUM's portable radio into my territory since it need some GREENER pasture or in another words, MORE ELECTRICITY CONSUMED ! HEK HEK HEK. i just want new refreshing sounds to my ears around the clock and when was the last time i listened to radio. HELLO. i think its bloody long man! and now, its time for some medication to my poor ears hehe. anyway, i need to update myself with latest songs cos so the malu(shamed) with my broinlaw haha. and for off the record, apart from the songs i have heard before since i switched on this radio, the rest made me like "what song is this man??!!". ARGHH! i think i have missed so much of the entertainment side. ok, cousin.. i think u r going to be very busy with me bombarding questions abt these new songs. hehehe. KIDDING! AND AND AND.....ok for u pples who are familiar with ERA from across the causeway, the KELAKAR-SERAM duo (Khairil & Khiran) will be having a new addition to the MORNING slot that is KAK ENGKU (Raja Azura) !! yeay!! sure kecoh rabak wei! starting this monday, 12th february.

oh shoot! 14th february. SADLAH! valentines coming and yesh...the first Valentines that will be celebrated with no love, no presents after the failure. sobsob tsktsk. and yeaa.. the failure came just a few days after Valentines last year. but hey, EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING that has happened, i believe there is rahmat(blessings in disguise). sis and i were talking about my past relationship and she asked how come is that my heart has turned away from him completely despite how hard i have tried to convince my mum for her blessings. and i just went BLANK. and its bloody hell true that a mother's prayers and hopes are that strong and no other prayers are as blessful other than those from a mother and the only love that kekal(last forever) is our love to God. Everyone knows that, rite?

moving on, one more week to my departure to the land of misery and sufferings! haha. KIDDING.