in two days' time, 2008 will be welcomed. that is a very nice number. 2007 where i turned 27. 2007 where i graduated. 2007 marked alot of happenings be it good or bad ones. hereby, i would like to share with you......
Highlights of 2007 (if i still can remember hehe)
-had a lil crush on my lecturer, buahahhahahahaha! cant be helped, hes HOT. why its a little crush cos at the same time, sometimes hes a pain in the ass hahahahhahhahha. but,hes a nice lecturer:)
-my only HD out of the entire years of sufferings but i am grateful for that :)
-the many many many outings and chill-outs with little sisters back in sunway :):):):)
-my convocation ceremony in september and finally,i did it.
-started on my driving-spree and liked it so much, every one of them huhuhu
-having 3 guys, each in 3 continuous days, suddenly wanting to be in the i-want-to-know-you-give-out-handphonenumbers-spree over friendster and one over the phone! (ok, this is the best hightlight! haha)
-the finale, to be back in homeland, with mum and dad and whole family :)
Downlights of 2007
-left Monash(that one i dont really care! haha) but no more of those days with my little sisters :(
-my mum got warded into Alexandra Hospital due to a mysterious jaw/teeth/gum/tongue problem of which until now we do not know whats the cause, buttttt shes perfectly okay now, reported no more pains :)
-failed my first TP, driving test that is (sux! %#@*$#)
-the many interviews that failed to make through
-2 times where i have reached the lowest point of my life :(
-my cries,my sadness,my disappointments :(
despite these negatives, for sure i am very grateful that i could make it through alive and stronger. my hope for 2008 is that it will be a very much better, best, bester one. its a nice number and farah highlighted to me on my 2nd driving test date, which is 08.01.08. so, any hope ? :)
Happy New Year, guys!!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
goodbye 2007, helloooooo 2008.
Posted by jee_@hmad at 11:22 AM 2 comments
Friday, December 28, 2007
update update.
i know, someone has pointed out to me that my blog is like being abandoned with not much entries as compared to my good old days huhu. okay,i know im busy with sms-ing hahahhahahaha hahahhhahah. this morning, i was wakened by THE news of Benazir Bhutto's death. pity pity. cruel cruel, heartless, coward suicide bomber. if hes a Muslim, im utterly ashamed of what a fellow brother had committed. taking lives of others. i wonder where will he end up at, Heaven or Hell. anyone? :)
next pit stop, i want to get hold of island creamery! i dont care, hehe. i heard its heavenly nice. oooo, theres METRO POST CHRISTMAS sale, from 26dec to hmmm errrr, not sure when. then, theres Hady Mirza performing at Punggol for the countdown according to my reliable source. anddd there are quite a number of countdowns around singapore andddd OMG, that reminded me of my time in Sunway. it was deepavali, 2 years ago andddd i was entertained by lotsssss of fireworks from my balcony on the 20th storey. lotsss lotsss of fireworks hehehe. be it from sunway lagoon to as far as near KLCC area. there were like 5-6 locations firing up the artwork. those were the moments, free some more. hehehe. haiz, sud i or sud i not go. Hmmmmmm.....
Posted by jee_@hmad at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
merry xmas.
i just got back from one of the times where my big family of lemme see hmmm 1.2.3....14 huhu gathered this time, not at usual parent's place but at Al Ameen eating place. i was abit frustrated that my food didnt well, turn up and so i checked out that they actually did not have my order on tat piece of paper and because, well i dont want to spoil the merry-making-makan-lets-be-happy session, i kept my cool and made sure that
1. they didnt actually cook tat first order of mine
2. demanded to order ASAP again cos i was bloody hungry
HOWEVER,luckily there was Mr Pari Bakar to keep my cool haha.
ok,if any guys who would like to ask me out, please ensure pari bakar is in the menu OK. haha. ok, go roll your eyes.
anyway, i heard fireworks at the stroke of 12 midnight just now to mark christmas. between Islam and Christianity, there aint much difference at all. u wanna live safe and be safe, just abide by the rules. and talking about rules, we were on the way back and there was a road-block, obviously checking on DRUNK DRIVERS on this festive eve. remember, drink dont drive, drive dont drink.ride safely, think of your loved ones. okay,i sounded like one save-your-ass-else-you-will-regret advert. HO HO HO:)
oh! i forgot.i am so looking for 26th. :)
Posted by jee_@hmad at 12:19 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 20, 2007
this is gonna be a long one.
i have always wanted to blog about this issue since for a long long time. it has been at the back of my mind but its just that i have not really pen them down. this is my blog. and i have views and opinions and you read them or just leave.
i have encountered some remarks/comments from fellow acquaintances, and let me emphasize acquaintances, people who are known to me AND, KNOW FROM WHICH COUNTRY I AM FROM.
acquaints : so,where are you from ?
me : im from singapore
acquaints : ah! singapore (*and they will smile with sparkling eyes*)
in other situations i have encountered like in this case one of the times in malaysia where i stayed for a couple of years,
acquaint : you are so rich, rm1 is just 50cents to u.
f*ckers. u think we are what? from a nation where in the middle lies THE money-making-free-for-all factory is it ?!
i have read news and in fact something recently disturbed me. one of the reasons to why Hady Mirza won was because SINGAPOREANS ARE RICH. dammit. since when? if every single of us are rich, you would have seen all MERCS, BMWs, LEXUS or watever piece of expensive shit on our roads. what kind of stereotyping is that. just because they have friends, fellow colleagues who are singaporeans and are damn rich here, does that mean they should have the perception of singaporeans are rich. goodness.
let me make this clear to all outsiders who do not know how an average Singaporean's life standard is. not everyone has very FAT paycheck. not everyone has diploma/degree qualifications. some are drivers, factory workers, delivery men whose income are not that high. its like trying hard to save abit of money and spending what is important, thats all. medical bills have to be considered also,what if they fall sick? free medical from the government?
if singaporeans are rich, do we hear remarks from them like,
"ok, we will go to that restaurant when i get my pay"
"i have to re-consider that or we can wait for upcoming sale"
christmas sales, hari raya sales, chinese new year sales, deepavali sales. all looking forward to sales. so where the hell does the RICH come from?
i am person who likes to observe my surroundings and the people. i have seen a family with little kids which counted to 5, wearing singlets,shorts,slippers, worn-out dresses eating at macdonalds with their smiles and were cheerful and grateful enough that mummy was buying for them cheeseburgers, french fries though they have to share among them. these are singaporeans whom we acknowledge them from low-income background. so, not everyone is rich. singaporeans are not rich. whatever u think or must have concluded from, you might have looked from the minority who are bloody rich but not everyone of us are.
Posted by jee_@hmad at 9:36 PM 1 comments
aku berserah jugak.
ooooo, this song sang by Hady Mirza on the Asian stage, is soooooo like im berserah-ing to Him :):):)
words that reflects the whole picture :)
beautiful melody that is a definite.
"BERSERAH" by Taufik Batisah
Gerhana meliputi segala
Tiada lagi sinaran cahaya
Keinginan tanpa kepastian
Tak mampu rasanya ku teruskan
Ku meneruskan
Ku relakan segala
Dalam hidup ku sebuah tanda tanya
Biarpun tak mampu ku bertahan
Tak kan pernah ku akui kalah
Tiada jalan mungkin ku lalui
Haruskah hidupku dipersenda
Mengharungi dugaan melanda
Ku berserah
Tuhan ku
Ku relakan segala
Tak kan pernah ku akui kalah
Percaya ku yakin padanya
Dia yang menentukan semua
Posted by jee_@hmad at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
bored people do this.
1. The phone rings. What is your ring
cintaku sang by kassreeallllll
2. Did you go anywhere yesterday?
ok, where did i go hmmm...NOPE. stayed home and slept 6 hours in the day huhu
3. Who was the last person you shared
beds with?
my cousin i think, when i was bloody tired and sick after the TAPAI session!
4. Favorite drink?
ice lemon tea
5. Does the person you like know that
you like them?
if u are talking about guys, no one in particular, zero !
6. Last time you talked to your mom?
like a minute ago
7. Where are you right now?
my bedroommmmm, with my pc, my bed, my pictures, my tv, my carpet, my toilet, my zillions of cupboards huhu
8 . If you HAD to kiss the last
person you kissed, would you?
errrr, the last i kissed is UNKISSABLE right now. haha. down into history. zap!
9. Favorite gadget in the kitchen?
xbox = fridge
10 . Favorite pie?
chicken pie from POLAR. yumyum
11.How is your hair?
fantastic! no regrets at all babe!
12. Where's the last place you walked
hawker center and i had my favorite soto ayam
13. Last time you had a sleepover?
huhuuhuhuu, donno
14. Latest you stayed up in the past
1 plus AM.
15. What were you doing?
chatting on the phone, which i think now its rather USELESS, dammit.
16. Have you been in a car accident?
YES. but not tat critical anddd we got abandoned. sob sob. sad but actually its FUNNY.
17. What is the last thing you said
the actual words something like "jangan cakap anak orang lain jahat ehhh" to my mum.
18 . Who's the 1st person on your
missed calls list?
my ayah.
19. What did the last text message you
received say?
jiji, nanti tolong simpankan newspapers about hady mirza won asian idol ek
21. Story behind your Friendster
just registered for fun, like in 2003.
22. What's bothering you right now?
alotttt of things used to bother me, but right now, its slowly disappearing. LIFE GOES ON BABY.
23. Wallet?
mine is something like wen's hehe. leather, brown. cards, arab + us bill each and some small notes, with my PDL, ic pictures, atm cards.
24. Eyes?
25. Life?
praying that bits and pieces will come together as what i have always wanted. LOVE is not in my agenda now. wait long long, i have learnt my lesson. till i meet my MR RIGHT (mr right, pls appear before me soon, hehe), i live for my own :)
26. Doing this weekend?
make plans to GO OUT.
27. Wearing?
actually want to go and pray, so im like in my towel, BUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
28. Wanting?
i want to check out what i have just bought from body shop
29. Listening to?
silence + ceiling fan
30. What do you smell?
smelly + sweat haha
32. Do you like seafood?
i ADORE them
33. Do you remember your dreams?
yes of cos
34. Do you consider yourself a study
i don think so, butttt im hardworking tats all
35. Do you speak another language other
than English?
melayu buttt if u ask me to write,i think my mouth will open like one fat fish's mouth haha
36. What did you do last night?
37. What do you hate?
38.Orange or apple juice?
39.Who were the last people you went
out to lunch with?
my family!
40. Last thing you ate?
SOTO AYAM yummmyummmyummm
Posted by jee_@hmad at 6:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
Hady Mirza - The First Asian Idol was he too. i remembered one of the emcees saying that Hady wanted to win this title so much, so here it is, Singapore Idol clinched the title. i bet alot will agree that hady's performance on saturday were not tat great,it was just ok. in fact, i was utterly disappointed with his performance NOT until he performed with Jac and the indian idol, it showed how charismatic and versatile he is, with his good looks and humility. if u noticed when he knelt upon hearing the announcement,he must have prayed for a moment to God and how he was so ber-syukor with his hands and looked onto the air as a sign of thankful to God for his rezeki. when the rezeki has his name,it will be definitely be his. Congratulations, Hady Mirza!
Posted by jee_@hmad at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 15, 2007
the ganas one.
remember that CHOCOLATE GANAS i wrote about ?
this was another item tat CALLED MY NAME. haha. i was looking for something mango-ish at FAREAST PLAZA at the basement next to the escalator. and somehow i saw something weird on the stall's menu due to my vain-so-never-wear-specs and i didnt expect the mango cubes.very nice. $3.80 i think. its one of their recommendations.
anddd this is from SIAMESE KITCHEN. mango slices with glutinous rice + rich coconut milk. currently, its my sis' top crave :)
Posted by jee_@hmad at 9:36 AM 1 comments
Friday, December 14, 2007
aite aite.
aite aite captain!
i was at esplanade and we went thru the tunnel where the young artists' artworks are displayed. dammit it,CROCS sponsored shoes to be made into artworks, dammnnnn..sud have given me one pair. haha. those kids must be thinking,wat crap these sandals with HOLES. hahhaa. anddddd one of the artworks was a CROCODILE aka BUAYA.hehe
Posted by jee_@hmad at 11:55 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
where there is good food.
ok listen. theres this only cake shop @ sembawang mrt. i don quite remember whats the name butttt their choc cake rocks man. seriously. for u choc/choc cake lovers, spend $3.50 on this slice of "CHOCOLATE GANAS", ok seriously ganas man thou sounds funny. the kind of choc that is not tat rich chocolaty like wat we get at prima deli sometimes. but get the outer layer of it and fuh, i think ur brain will freeze.
i think food seemed to call me for no reason like "jee jee, comeeee comeeeee, eattt meeee, buyyyy meeeee" hahah. i was at sun plaza and i happened to look out for the "OLD CHANGKEE" outlet there for no apparent reason BUTTT beside it was ANGIE the cakeshop. donno why i had the sudden crave for durian. and i searched thru the display and found this "DURIAN ROLL" @ $3.00 each. i tell u, the durian paste was awesome man. delicious, yummy and only God knows what was going thru my mind when i ate them at 1 go! hahahhahaha. the paste is wrapped within a thin kind of dough which looks like "toiseh". be prepared with water after u eat it bcos when i had mine, after that i had chicken rice! yeaaaa, bad combination i know. i was bloody hungry tat time and i couldnt wait to eat the roll, so i chunk the whole thing down. huhuhu.
oh and also, good, fat satays at errr..Gelang Patah Tol Rest place near Second Link. anddddd their fried "LEKOH" are nice. go go try them. :):):)
i was in melaka over the weekend and here was our food agenda.
1) Pizza Hut for tea break (who the hell eat tat for teabreak! ended up eating a feast hahah)
Right after 1.5 hrs,
2) Seafood galore at Penu-Umbai againnnn!!
Saturday (Ok, dont faint ok)
1) Started with breakfast buffet, not tat much cos not that nice also except for their bread spread and chicken curry @ Hotel Orkid Melaka
2) The famous "The Assam Pedas Place" near Mahkota Parade with asam pedas pari, fresh ayam kampong goreng, sambal kepang, sambal belacan, kacang botoh, sambal ayam hati+pedal and the ULTIMATE tapai!!!
funny thing is that my relative's tapai, i dont even eat andddd the sudden crave when i looked at my family gobbling them down, and i had 2. and i fell sick, cos i was the first one to land on the bed.
3) BASKIN ROBBINS!!!!! %%^^&&&^%$$##$$%^^&
and the ultimate finale
4) NANDOS, where we BELAHAK 2 full chickens!!!
thats wat i call, GOOD FOOD :)
and on sunday, i surrendered.
with my dry throat and headache, i was cranky and moody BUTTTT managed to eat 3 crispy roti pratas, and thats for the day. in fact now, my throat is still itching. huhuhu.
Posted by jee_@hmad at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 06, 2007
i just hope its not what i think. give it just a day. i donno whats happening at the other side.
Posted by jee_@hmad at 8:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
long long since i last blogged.
well, alottttt of things happened lately(**wink wink).
i am very happy. oh and like finally we adhoc-ly made our way to Arab Street to get our kain songket for cousin's wedding next year!! yada yada bla bla, we couldnt get our dream colors of pink-purple coordination cos as according to the makcik-jual-kain, it will look good if we were to add on the okayyyy..wats tat kain called eh, hmmmm issit satin, lace or something....oh yes! kain lace with the lining inside plus the kain songket for our bottom. buttttt we were thinking, why wear so nice man. we are supposed to help out aka kerja-keras so hack and scrapped tat idea and we went for the songkets for our full attire. the thing is, each of us 4 has different background colors with the main golden prints huhuhu
1st sis - hot purple
2nd sis - mangosteen
3rd sis - hot pink
me - BLACK!!!
hahahahhahahaha hahahhahahaha hahahahhahahahha
ok wat. black makes everyone slim. so let the other plus-size sisters wear wateva colors they like, cos im abit conscious when it comes to GOOODDD BEAUTIFUL pics without regretting anything that has got to do with what i am gonna wear on that day!
next up.
on sat, i was at fareast plaza shopping with family. was at sakura and beside us,was Shah, the anugerah skrin guy, i think. went shopping for i donno how many hours and tat explains the $8.80 deducted from Dad's cashcard for parking!!! then we headed the superb Murtabaks @ Zam zam.
on sunday, was at singapore expo for the Sitex, i had slight headache, then headed to Changi Airport for Popeyes!!!!!! then headed to Vivocity for THE HEARTBREAK KID. omg, that show really gross yo, but seriously ben stiller is hilarious, dammit.
i love him.
Posted by jee_@hmad at 1:19 PM 0 comments